studioID Marketing Content Design
Project Name
studioID Marketing Content Design
Project Type
Client Work
Role & Responsibilities
Visual Designer / Layout & Data Visualization


studioID is Industry Dive's global content studio for marketing. As a visual designer at Industry Dive, my job included designing white papers and survey reports for studioID's clients. Drawing inspiration from the client’s brand style guides, these white papers and survey reports are designed to visually elevate both the brand and the content. They provide readers with valuable insights, data, and analysis on key industry trends or topics, featuring custom graphs, pullout quotes, photographs, and illustrations, all presented in either a horizontal or vertical layout to enhance readability and engagement.

I have designed for clients that include Adobe, AWS, Oracle, Salesforce, Stanford University, Toshiba, Verizon and more.

Selected Work

Criteo's survey reports created by studioID


studioID's Outlook Reports and an Ebook for AWS


Doddle's playbook created by studioID